2019臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會 2019 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly



Integration of Disastrous Experience Learning
International Collaboration in Observation Technology
Interdisciplinary Cooperation and Decision Support
Environmental Protection, Disaster Prevention and Sustainability of Natural Resources


2019 Annual Meeting of Geography Society of China Located in Taipei (PS)
Issue Code Subject
Place and Society PS-S1 Food and Agricultue
PS-S2 Science, Technology, and Society
PS-S3 Natural Disaster and Social Resilience
PS-G1 Geographic Information Science 1
PS-G2 Geographic Information Science 2
Geology and Geophysics PS-GSB1 Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology
Geodesy GD-GSGR1 Assessment of Seismic Hazard and Active Faults
GD-GSGR2 Modern geodetic and remote sensing techniques for multi-scale applications
GD-GSGR3 Tectonics and sea level change in SW Taiwan and their impact assessments
Geomorphology GS-GM Geomorphology, Geological Landscape and Geopark
PS-GS-GM Geomorphology, Geological Landscape and Geopark
Geodesy PS-GD-GSGR Modern geodetic and remote sensing techniques for multi-scale applications
2019 Geodetic Society Conference (GD)
Issue Code Subject
Geodesy GD-GSGR1 Assessment of Seismic Hazard and Active Faults
GD2 Land subsidence (Land subsidence monitoring, numerical modelling and water management strategies)
GD-GSGR2 Modern geodetic and remote sensing techniques for multi-scale applications
GD-GSGR3 Tectonics and sea level change in SW Taiwan and their impact assessments
2019 Conference of Weather Analysis and Forecast (AS-C)
Issue Code Subject
Monitoring and Analysis on Atmosphere AS-C1
Weather Simulation and Forecasting AS-C2
Monitoring and Prediction on Climate AS-C3
Meteorological Disaster Mitigation and Cross-domain Applications AS-C4
Observation, Prediction, and Applications on Marine Meteorology AS-C5
Weather and Climate Services for Societal-Economic Applications (Invited Speakers) AS-C6
Ten Years after Typhoon Morakot: Retrospect and Prospect (Invited Speakers) AS-C7
2019 Ocean Sciences Conference & 12th Cross-Strait Ocean Sciences Meeting (OC)
Issue Code Subject
Marine Research Vessels/ Marine Instrument Center/ODB OC
Physical Oceanography OC1
Chemical Oceanography and Marine Chemistry OC2
Marine Geology & Geophysics OC3GS
Biological Oceanography and Marine Biology OC4
Kuroshio Studies OC5
Impacts of Typhoons and Internal Waves on Biogeochemical Processes in the Northern South China Sea OC6
Comprehensive Study of Source-to-Sink Characteristics of River-Sea Systems in Chinese Marginal Seas and Taiwan Strait OC7
Impacts of climate variabilities on the ocean circulation OC8
Submesoscale and fine-scale dynamic processes OC9
Coral reef and South China Sea OC10
Marine Observation Technology and Instrumentation OC11
Marine Conservation and Management OC12
Coastal zone and estuary environments and hazard mitigation OC13
Typhoon and Air-Sea Interaction OC14
Earthquake, Tsunamis and Extreme events sedimentary Records OC15
Youth Forum YF1 Physical Oceanography
YF2 Chemical Oceanography and Marine Chemistry
YF3 Marine Geology & Geophysics
YF4 Biological Oceanography and Marine Biology
Poster Competition PC1 Physical Oceanography
PC2 Chemical Oceanography and Marine Chemistry
PC3 Marine Geology & Geophysics
PC4 Biological Oceanography and Marine Biology
Poster Display PP1 Physical Oceanography
PP2 Chemical Oceanography and Marine Chemistry
PP3 Marine Geology & Geophysics
PP4 Biological Oceanography and Marine Biology
Plankton Ecological Processes in Subtropical-shelf Ecosystems OC16
Issue Code Subject
Union GS-U1 What do We Learn from the Chi-Chi Earthquake?
GS-U2 Earthquake Geology of Taiwan in the Past Two Decades
GS-U3 Ground Motions, Early Warning of Damaging Earthquakes
GS-U4 The Taiwan Earthquake Hazard Model: The Next Generation Model
GS-U5 Cascading Hazard of Interaction Between Tectonic, Climate and Surface Process
GS-U6 Significant Landsides, Debris Flows and Other Geological Hazards
GS-U7 The Multi-Scale Approach of Monitoring Geological Hazards
GS-U8 Earthquake Precursors and Observational Seismology
Biogeosciences PS-GSB1 Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology
GS-B2 Medical Geology and Health
Earth Science Education and GIS System GS-EE1 Application of GIS in the Earth Science
GS-EE2 Geological Citizen Workshop
Engineering Geology GS-EG Engineering Geology
Earth Materials GS-EM1 Mineralogy and Petrology
GS-EM2 Mineral and Petro-Physics
Energy and Resource GS-ER1 Hot Spring and Geothermal Energy
GS-ER2 The Application of Geosciences in Deep Geological Disposal
GS-ER3 Natural Resources and Energy
GS-ER4 Geology and Petroleum Exploration in the Global Scale
Geomorphology GS-GM Geomorphology, Geological Landscape and Geopark
Geophysics GS-GP Geophysics, Geophysical Investigation and Environmental Geophysics
Geodesy GD-GSGR1 Assessment of Seismic Hazard and Active Faults
GD-GSGR2 Modern geodetic and remote sensing techniques for multi-scale applications
GD-GSGR3 Tectonics and sea level change in SW Taiwan and their impact assessments
Hydrology GS-H1 Hydrology and Hydrogeology
GS-H2 Groundwater Flow and Transport
Marine Geology & Geophysics OC3GS
Seismology GS-S1 General Seismology
GS-S2 Ambient Noise Seismology
GS-S3 Engineering Seismology
GS-S4 Environmental Seismology
Stratigraphy GS-ST1 Quaternary Geology
GS-ST2 Paleoenvironment and Climate Change
GS-ST3 Stratigraphy and Paleontology
GS-ST4 Archaeogeology
GS-ST5 Sedimentology
Tectonophysics GS-T1 Tectonics and Mountain Building Process
GS-T2 Mesoscale Geological Structures
GS-T3 Geodynamics
Volcanology and Geochemistry GS-V1 Volcanology
GS-V2 Continental Crust Development in Asia
GS-V3 Environmental Geochemistry
GS-V4 Lithogeochemistry
GS-V5 General Geochemistry
GS-V6 Taiwan-Japan Joint Session — Frontiers in Geochemistry and Geology
GS-V7 Magmatism and Orogenesis
2019 Conference of Graduated Students in Atmospheric Sciences (AS-U)
Issue Code Subject
Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry AS-U1
Synoptic-Mesoscale-Small scale Weather and Their Dynamics AS-U2
Analysis and Simulation of Climate AS-U3
Earth Science Education in the Digital Era (EE)
Issue Code Subject
Satellite Missions for Space Science (SS-M)
Issue Code Subject
Satellite Missions for Space Science SS-M1 Satellite Mission Concepts
SS-M2 Spacecraft System Design
SS-M3 Spacecraft Operations
SS-M4 Satellite Launch Services
SS-M5 Satellite Data Applications
SS-M6 Space Situational Awareness
International Conference on Space Weather (SS-W)
Issue Code Subject
International Conference on Space Weather SS-W1 Application of Forecast Models
SS-W2 Sun and Interplanetary Space
SS-W3 Planetary Magnetosphere and Ionosphere
SS-W4 International Collaborations in Space Science
2019 Taiwan Integrated Earth Observation System Symposium
Issue Code Subject
Taiwan Integrated Earth Observation System TIEOS Taiwan Integrated Earth Observation System
