2019臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會 2019 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly

Submit abstract

Abstract Format

  1. Abstract format (Oral Presentation):
    One page (A4) including title, authors and text, Time New Roman. Please keep 2.54 cm for the upper and lower margin, and 2.17 cm for the right and left margin.
  2. Title:title in the middle of line, Times New Roman
  3. Authors and organization:in the middle of line,single line space,12 size Times New Roman
  4. Text:make an indent 0.85cm at beginning of each paragraph,align center,single line space;12 size Times New Roman
  5. Abstract file named with First author, using Microsoft Word to edit file and upload with doc, docx, pdf format

Youth Forum

  1. Qualification:Master and Ph.D. student
  2. Oral:Oral time: 15 min,include 3 min. Q&A
  3. Organizer will invite professors in each field to evaluate poster performance. Winners will be awarded in Poster competition.

Poster Display

  1. Poster display has to submit abstract and click competition icon to remark your status for competition. Poster competition rule is shown as file(please download pdf file)
  2. Poster spec:Portrait paper,within 85 cm(W)x 150 cm(H)range
  3. Poster post:Follow the official time to post your poster at assigned place
  4. Poster display and competition is organizing in the conference with code of PS, SS, GS,AS and OC. Your can click conference type to select the subject for submitting your abstract. 參加『產業學術應用優良論文』競賽者,請於投稿頁面備註欄註明,並將該報名表與摘要合併上傳。
  5. 參加地物地質學生壁報比賽者,投稿時請於備註填寫: (1)地質學會或地物學會會員(2) 學位年級(3)指導教授及學校(4) 參賽壁報研究內容關鍵字(3~5個)