The kinematic source analysis for 2018 Mw 6.4 Hualien, Taiwan earthquake

  • The 2018 Hualien mainshock ruptured southward on two fault segments
  • Weak but fast initiation (3.0 km s-1) in the main west-dipping segment
  • Slow (2.0 km s-1) yet significant slip on shallow east-dipping segment

The 2018 Mw 6.4 Hualien earthquake struck the eastern Taiwan and caused serious damage. We investigate the rupture properties of the 2018 Hualien earthquake by inverting teleseismic body wave and forward modeling GPS coseismic deformation. The rupture process and slip pattern of preferred model explain both the far-field (teleseismic data) and near-field (GPS) observations. The results show that the 2018 Hualien mainshock ruptured southward on two fault segments, with a weak but fast initiation (3.0 km s-1) in the main west-dipping segment F1 and slow (2.0 km s-1) yet significant slip on shallow east-dipping segment F2. In the past few years, several moderate-sized events, which struck eastern Taiwan and caused strong ground shaking and some seismic damage, are considered occurring on the west-dipping fault. Additional investigations are required to building up the knowledge of this not wellknown region.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union