Atmospheric Terrestrial Exchange of Nitrous Oxide in the Mid-latitude Region of China

  • Author(s): Wei-Han Su, Jiang-Hai Zeng, Wen-Zhi Song, Yu-Ming Zhang, and Shao-Bin Wang
  • DOI: 10.3319/TAO.1995.6.3.409(REC)
  • Keywords: Temperate region China Trace gases
  • Citation: Su, W.-H., J.-H. Zeng, W.-Z. Song, Y.-M. Zhang, and S.-B. Wang, 1995: Atmospheric Terrestrial Exchange of Nitrous Oxide in the Mid-latitude Region of China. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 6, 409-417, doi: 10.3319/TAO.1995.6.3.409(REC)

The significance of Northern China in the budget of atmospheric trace gases is discussed briefly. Sites for the research work of the IGBP/IGAC Activity 7.2 and some results of preliminary measurements on N2O flux are also introduced.

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