Fault Detection by 2D Resistivity Inversion on a Topographic Area


Direct current (DC) resistivity data acquired on rough terrain can be interpreted by using an appropriate two-dimensional (s-D) finite element inversion with the topography-incorporated technique developed by Tong and Yang (1990). This technique is computationally efficient and provides a geological interpretation that is an improvement on the standard 2-D inversion. The main feature of this scheme is that sounding data incorporated the topography into the inversion without any perevious topographic correction of field data. Thus errors inherited by the inversion data from an imperfect topographic correction can be avoided, especially in an area that has complex subsurface structures.

In addition, the penetration depth of a Schlumberger four symmetric collinear electrode (4-electrode survey) array is often limited by obstacles at ground-level; especially in mountainous areas. This drawback may be overcome by using a Schlumberger three asymmetric collinear electrode (3-electrode survey) array. In order to demonstrate the advantage of using the 3-electrode survey, model studies were performed, and the results show that the DC resistivity responses obtained from the 4-electrode and 3-electrode surveys have similar features for a given spread length. However, under the same topographic constraints, the 3-electrode configuration has a more extension of a spread length, and therefore, a greater penetration depth.

To seek verification of our strategy, DC resistivity sounding was applied to the Kanchiao fault area of northern Taiwan. The results stressed fault detection in this area. A Schlumberger 3-electrode survey was carried out in the field, and the data collected were inverted to the geoelectric models by using Tong and Yang's scheme (1990). In addition, synthetic apparent resistivity pseudosections were also computed from the final inversion models. Comparison of the synthetic with the observed apparent resistivity profiles is sufficient to reveal the Kanchiao fault position.

The implications of the results obtained by combining the special electrode layout of the DC resistivity soundings with the previously mentioned finite element inversion technique are highlighted. The techniques used here does provide users with a guide of what to do in a topographic area. The techniques are superior to conventional techniques as applied to a complex subsurface structure.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union