Soil Gas Radon Spectra and Earthquakes


Continuous soil gas radon monitoring in real time with improved solidstate detector is carried out in south-central and southern Taiwan. The time series register spike-like anomalies which could be precursors of earthquakes. Monitoring stations located in a brecciated zone of active fault at Taiwan 3 and faults at Taiwan 1 showed drastic variations of radon when the terrain is stressed before the onset of earthquake. In contrast, the spectrum recorded at a station sited on a craton Akron 1 which is sited on a craton shows no significant radon variations. To actually prove that the variation of the time series is related to stress, a fourth station was anchored in a sand column (209 L) with exactly the same type of radon detector system. The time series recorded in this manner shows higher background level and spikes of high radon counts as it is stressed. Temperature and moisture variations are not affecting radon counts.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union