Flower Structures and Strike-slip Deformation off Southwestern Taiwan


Seismic data reveals the existence of flower structures offshore from southwestern Taiwan. Structures similar to transpressional flower structures ovvur off the coast form the cities of Tainan and Kaohsiung, whereas transtensional flower structures occur off the coast in Areas II & IV. The flower structures suggest that the structures in this area are influenced by strike-slip deformation. The trend of flower structures seems to conform to the orientation of secondary synthetic shears and antithetic X shears of the right-lateral strike-slip model. The mud diapirs in this study area were probably partly initiated by the en echelon folding during strike-slip deformation. That the transpressional flower structures develop in the orientation of secondary synthetic shears, while transtensional ones develop in antithetic X shear orientation, is possibly controlled by the mechanisms of convergence and divergence. The arrangements of the structures are also affected by pre-existing structures.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union