Preface to the Special Issue on “Innovative Applications of Radar and LiDAR Remote Sensing”


Radar (radio detection and ranging) and LiDAR (light detection and ranging) are both active remote sensing techniques, and both can be operated day or night. They send out a signal and receive backscattered or reflected signals from ground surface features to form image data. Radar uses relatively long wavelengths which allows these systems to "see" through clouds, smoke, and some vegetation. LiDAR is a laser scanning system that allows for the measurement of 3D object surfaces in high accuracy. Innovative applications of radar and LiDAR remote sensing have been continuously developed and carried forward in many fields. For example, radar imagery is wildly applied for crop monitoring, flood mapping, soil moisture mapping, forestry biomass estimation, terrain analysis, oil spill detection, and snow/ice mapping. On the other hand, LiDAR data are increasingly used for the generation of digital terrain models (DTMs), 3D city modeling, forest structure investigation, geological analysis, coastal zone and bathymetric mapping etc. This special issue promotes some innoative applications of radar and LiDAR remote sensing.

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