Establish an efficient method to monitor slope deformation using PS-InSAR, MUAV, and surveillance cameras

  • Establish an efficient method to monitor slopes with multi-source images
  • Evaluate and obtain real-time actual displacement of the deformation area
  • The self-developed surveillance cameras system can be assessed in real time

The Taiwan area of mostly rugged mountains and special geological conditions induced catastrophic slope deformation by heavy rainfall and earthquakes. Unstable hillslopes present a significant problem especially to buildings because it affects the living safety. This article mainly discusses regions with buildings in a wide hillslope and proposes a set of hierarchical monitoring procedure. First, persistent scatters interferometric synthetic aperture radar (PS-InSAR) technology observes a wide region of displacement by SAR images, hence detects result of severe displacement regions as the interested areas. Furthermore, multi-rotors UAV (MUAV) captures high-resolution images calculation deformation in the interested areas, which evaluates the serious displacement as a high-risk region. Finally, the self-develop surveillance cameras monitoring system achieves real-time displacement and behavior in the high-risk regions. The study area is located in the campus. From the hierarchical monitoring procedure results, PS-InSAR investigation in the large region is found to be reliable and reasonable, which can provide MUAV flight an effective reference. Both the PS-InSAR and MUAV showed a ground maximum displacement of 30 mm yr-1 (LOS velocity) in the interested areas where ground displacement is higher than the building. The advantages of surveillance cameras include obtaining real-time displacement and providing clear surface erosion behavior. This study experimentally demonstrated and provided a reliable hierarchical monitoring procedure and deformation information of different scales through three remote-sensing techniques.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union