First Ground Observations of OI5577 Green Line Emission over the Taiwan Area

  • Author(s): Sing-Wei Chiou, Lin-Ni Hau, Jan-Bai Nee, Chun-Sung Jao, Bo-Jhou Wang, Yan-Fu Chen, Wai-Leong Teh, Shi-Hao Chuang, Kuang-Wu Lee, Yu-Chieh Chou, Yan-Ting Lai, and Wei-Zhong Fu
  • DOI: 10.3319/TAO.2007.18.4.843(AA)
  • Keywords: Airglow OI 5577 Taiwan area Ground observation
  • Citation: Chiou, S.-W., L.-N. Hau, J.-B. Nee, C.-S. Jao, B.-J. Wang, Y.-F. Chen, W.-L. Teh, S.-H. Chuang, K.-W. Lee, Y.-C. Chou, Y.-T. Lai, and W.-Z. Fu, 2007: First ground observations of OI5577 green line emission over the Taiwan area. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 18, 843-856, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2007.18.4.843(AA)

Worldwide ground observations of upper atmospheric airglow with particular emphasis on the OI 557.7 and 630 nm emissions have been conducted since 1960s. This study reports the first ground observations of OI 557.7 nm green line emission over the Taiwan area. For comparison, the background continuum at 530 nm was also measured by the same system. The experiments were conducted during the period of Aug - Dec, 2004 at various locations in Taiwan using a self-developed photometer instrument. Daily height integrated intensity of the night-time green line emission may vary in the range of 80 - 210 Rayleighs and twilight enhancement is also identified. The observational results may serve as a useful reference for follow-up sounding rocket measurements of OI 557.7 nm airglow emission over the Taiwan area.

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