Magnitude Scales and Their Relations for Taiwan Earthquakes: A Review

  • Author(s): Jeen-Hwa Wang
  • DOI: 10.3319/TAO.1992.3.4.449(T)
  • Keywords:
  • Citation: Wang, J.-H., 1992: Magnitude Scales and Their Relations for Taiwan Earthquakes: A Review. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 3, 449-468, doi: 10.3319/TAO.1992.3.4.449(T)

The magnitude scales, including ML, MD, Ms(GR), mB, Ms, mB, MH, MJ and MI, applied to quantify earthquakes in the Taiwan region since 1900 are reviewed. Their relations studied by several authors are also discussed.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union