Improved Geoid Determination Based on the Shallow-Layer Method: A Case Study Using EGM08 and CRUST2.0 in the Xinjiang and Tibetan Regions


In this paper we present the concepts and realization of the shallow-layer Shen geoid determination method, which is quite different from the classical geoid modeling methods (Stokes' method, Molodenskii's method, etc.), for determining the global or regional geoids. This method takes full advantage of the precise Earth gravity field model EGM2008, digital topographic model DTM2006.0 and global crust model CRUST2.0 of a shallow layer, a layer from the Earth's surface to a depth. As a case study this method is applied to the determination of a 5´ × 5´ geoid over the Xinjiang and Tibetan regions, which ranges from latitude 25 to 50°N and longitude 70 to 100°E. The modeled 5´ × 5´ regional geoid is compared with the EGM2008 geoid model in the same study area and validated by 21 GPS/leveling benchmarks (GPSBMs) distributed sparsely in the Xinjiang area. The results show that the regional geoid reaches an accuracy of ~18 cm and agrees with the GPSBMs better than the EGM2008 geoid in the Xinjiang region.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union